The secret to success – market when the fish aren’t biting.

The adage is that when times get tough, marketing is the first budget to go. This is not always true, but budgets are tightened and marketing budgets do look tasty to those analysing the bottom line. 

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That marketing takes a hit is, in my opinion, the fault of marketeers who, for many reasons, aren’t always acting in the best interests of their clients or their brands. Perhaps because marketing, like politics, is often the refuge of those who can talk a great game but have no idea how to deliver it.

Parking that, what brands and products come out of a recession smiling? There are things that we need of course, essential items that have to be purchased. But what of others, how do they survive?

Marketing might change but it doesn’t stop

They don’t stop marketing. It might change from call-to-action focused content to aspirational content, a look to the future and how much better life will be with an ice cold coke after a long day, even with a sugar tax. But it doesn’t stop.

Plant the seed today to reap the rewards tomorrow. Insurance might be something  to weigh up in tough times, but when people can breathe again, the broker who has been keeping in touch, telling them about the Next Best Thing for their family, will get an answer to that email, or their call will be taken when the time is right.

The time isn’t right most of the time

For most people, the time isn’t right 95% of the time, they need to be catered to for the 5% of the time when the stars align and decisions are made. 

Keep in touch, keep visible and don’t stop marketing what you do to those who, one day, will need it

The majority of effort focuses on in-market, or just-in-time marketing – hitting people when they need something. Great, that works, until someone else comes along with a better offer or something changes consumer behaviour. 

Plan for the worst and expect the best

By developing future-demand, customers will come when they are ready. When they are ready, they will know where to come. They will come to those that have been talking to them without expecting anything from them. 

Marketing isn’t a one-way street, it’s an agreement between things one party has and one party might want. It’s a partnership and partnerships are for the long term. 

Nurture, plan, look to the future and remember 95% of people don’t want what you have right now, but they will in the future.


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