Category: marketing
97% of your customers don’t care.
At least they don’t care right now. They aren’t in the mood or need to buy. So what do you do with them? How do you create content if 97% of everyone doesn’t want it? Check out more great content:
What we learn from Lemonade Stands – Marketing Funnels 101
Every business needs a marketing plan. Otherwise you’re not going to reach your audience. By following a few simple rules and being aware of consumer behaviour, you can save time, money and effort.
What’s your story?
Marketing Strategy 101 – you know your story, how can you get it to the right people? View other posts
The secret to success – market when the fish aren’t biting.
The adage is that when times get tough, marketing is the first budget to go. This is not always true, but budgets are tightened and marketing budgets do look tasty to those analysing the bottom line. That marketing takes a hit is, in my opinion, the fault of marketeers who, for many reasons, aren’t always…